Sunday, April 20, 2008



G3T Films said...

I've fought giant octopus while sailing bigger squirrels than that across the balmy Pacific Ocean. Of course, I didn't have nearly as an enjoyable soundtrack. My Scottish pipe band could drown out the mewling of the mast skewered squirrel for only so long.

captain modroom9 said...

The Bagpipes can be quite moving, and also quite horrible, I must find where they live and get some footage some time.

Your insects are bigger than our dogs, so I'm not surprised a squirrel dos'nt look like much :) Actually, it's a very big squirrel, it's just far away.

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad you made this film and I didn't have to get close to that squirrel. It's really desperate looking for Mars Bars isn't it!

captain modroom9 said...

I think the squirrel might have been acting for the camera instead of really looking for Mars Bars this time. I imagine the best place to find them is on another planet anyway!